SystemRescue, a nice tool to recover your Linux installation.
SystemRescue or previously SystemRescueCD is a CD-Rom or USB bootable tool to perform adminstrative tasks or system recovery tasks. SystemRescue can be used to administer or “rescue” a Linux installation and a Windows installation, as it come with all the needed tools for both OS’es.
Think of:
– File recovery
* Documents
* Photos
* Etc
– Partition recovery
– Bootloader recovery
* Windows
– Hardware diagnostics
* Memory test
* CPU checks
* HDD tests
SystemRescue screenshots
- SystemRescue GRUB loader
- SystemRescue root shell
- SystemRescue XFCE desktop
- SystemRescue tools
Download SystemRescue
Create a bootable USB drive
System requirements
– CPU: almost any
– RAM: 1GB is recommended
– GPU: almost any
– CD-Rom drive or use a LiveUSB to boot into the live environment
– Sound support, only if you want to hear something 😉
– Internet connection preferably