EndlessOS Linux

How to start with Linux

EndlessOS, a very nice Linux distribution made for famillies and kids.

EndlessOS or EOS comes with many applications out of the box, it’s made to educate kids and others who want to learn Linux. EOS is based on Debian Linux.

Because it comes with many applications and tutorials, the size of the download is huge (+/- 18GB), but it’s worth it. You can use EOS easily without internet (usefull if you don’t want your kids browsing TikTok or YouTube). Everything you need about learning Linux is all built in.

EOS tries to connect people with technology. Many kids around the world do not have access to the internet, as EOS does not require internet, kids in those specific countries get a chance to learn and how to use their computers in different ways.

EOS comes with the Gnome desktop, but you can install any other desktop if wanted.

When I say it’s meant for kids and fammillies, this is what I meant; EOS comes with:

– Games
– A game called: Hack, this is not real hacking obviously but it learns kids Linux in a playfull way.
– Parental control (Manage what your kids can see onilne or which applications they are allowed to use, or not.)
– Basic Algebra for kids
– It has video and photo editors (Pitivi, Gimp, Inkscape)
     * You can also install those applications manually on any distro, but EOS has it all built in.
– 3D modelling software (Blender)
– There are coding education tools (HTML, CSS , Scratch (coding for kids), and even some Arduino)
     * Arduino coding will focus on embedded programming (C, C++)
– A complete encyclopedia
– Lots and lots of other tutorials (fun for the whole familly):
     * How to draw
     * Learn how to dance
     * Cooking tutorials for mom :p
     * The list goes on.
– It has the Libreoffice suite built in (MS Office alternative, but free πŸ˜‰ )
– Many more applications and tools, this is why the .iso file is this big

A nice short video of the basics that EndlessOS has to offer:

Download EndlessOS

Create your bootable USB drive

System requirements

– CPU: 1Ghz is recommended
– RAM: 512MB is recommended
– HDD: about 20G is recommended
– GPU: almost any
– CD-Rom drive or use a LiveUSB for installation
– Sound support, only if you want to hear something πŸ˜‰
– EOS does not require internet, it works well without