Fedora Linux, another RedHat based distro
Fedora Linux comes with a few different editionts:
– Workstation: perfect for computers and laptops,
– Server: as you guessed, good for server installations (web, mail, etc)
– IoT (Internet of Things), IoT devices are devices which connect to the internet with an own cpu and network card.
Some IoT examples:
– IP camera’s
– Network connected coffee machines (fun fact)
– Google Home
– Remote manageable door locks
– Smart watches
– Internet connected cars
– Etc
Fedora use like RedHat and CentOS the rpm package manager and the YUM package manager. Fedora comes default with the Gnome desktop, but as usual, you can install any desktop you like.
Short video about Fedora 35, latest release at time of writing
Install packages with the YUM package manager
Fedora 35 Screenshots
- Gnome Shell
Download Fedora Linux
Create a bootable USB drive
System requirements
– CPU: 1Ghz is recommended
– RAM: 4GB is recommended
– HDD: about 40G is recommended
– GPU: almost any
– CD-Rom drive or use a LiveUSB for installation
– Sound support, only if you want to hear something 😉
– Internet connection preferably