Desktop Environments

How to start with Linux

Which Desktop?

I have been using Openbox for a very long time, I really liked the simplicity and how Openbox can be customized, because it can, a lot. You start out with just a blank screen, no icons, no menus (unlike Gnome, Plasma, XFCE and the others), nothing, until you right click your mouse and the default Openbox menu pops up.

I mainly used Openbox because I used older Laptops and older PC’s. Now on my main desktop I switched to Gnome, I’ve tried KDE, KDE Plasma and I don’t need all extra stuff. Gnome is not empty, not bloated, for me it works.

I think KDE in te beginning reminded me of Windows, which I did not want, I was using Linux after all. I have to say, Plasma 5 is not that bad, it looks nice, lots of features, maybe I’ll give that a try once as well…

Make a choice.

Let’s try to make a choice here 🙂

Gnome (My current setup)
– Full Desktop environment with support of extensions

Plasma 5
– Full Desktop environment with nice desktop effects (wobbly windows, minimization effects etc)

– Fast and lightweight but easily beautified with themes

– Same as XFCE, fast and lightweight

– Not a desktop, but a window manager, highly customizable with themes, dock bars, very fast and lightweight

– If you don’t want to give up on the Windows feeling just yet, choose this one.