Simple Backup Script

How to start with Linux

Simple backup script

Super very and small backup script to use. You can use it to backup to your website or custom directories to a remote system. Make sure you have mounted one of your backup solutions.

# In this case I use a NAS (SMB) for backups, I normally have it premounted, but if you don't, mount first 
$ sudo mount -t cifs //<IP address>/mount /mnt/point -o username=username,password=password,version=<1,2,3> 

# Or an external disk 
$ sudo mount /dev/sd(X) /mnt/point 

Backup to:

– External backup drive
– SMB share
– GDrive
– Dropbox
– Etc


# Set backup path (remote host) 
$ bkp="/path/to/backups/filename" 

# Set backup source 
$ site="/path/to/source/" 

# Set archive name inc date, %F = full date (2022-01-01) %H = hours, %M = minutes, %S = seconds 
$ arch="stwl-`date +%F_%H:%M:%S`-.tar.gz" 

# Create backup 
$ tar -cvzf $bkp/$arch $site 

Mark the script executable:

$ chmod +x 

Run it manually or use Crontab for scheduled runs.